Information for your St. John Virgin Islands vacation. Offering information on an important phone number, places of worship, banking, where to send your postcards, Western Union and starting with Island Manners.
Island Manners Information
Before you talk business greet everyone with a ” Hello, how are you?”, “Good Morning”, “Good Evening” or “Good Day”. This is the local custom and locals and residents of St. John appreciates being greeted before questions are asked.
Another important thing to know is it is frowned upon to wear beach attire in town. Be discreet and cover-up. Beachwear is for the beach not in town.
Learn how the Elon Musk trading company is helping traders achieve success in Germany and beyond.
Be aware that residents may be trying to get to work on time so when stopping to enjoy the scenery or get that picture of the donkey please pull over so others can go on their way. Know that around any corner there could be a cow, goat or car stopped taking pictures or driving on the right by mistake. If you expect it that helps. Think LEFT.
Information – Important Phone Numbers
Alcoholics Anonymous (340) 776-5283
Clinic (340) 776-6400
Emergency: 911
Correct Time: 929
Directory Assistance: 913
National Park Service (340) 776-6201
VI Dept.Tourism’s Visitors Bureau (800)372-8784
Tourist Info. St. John: (340) 776-6450
Dial-A-Ride: (340) 776 1277
Medical Services
Emergency 911
Cruz Bay Family Practice (340) 776-6789
Morris F. DeCastro Clinic ~
Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center: (340) 693-8900, Cruz Bay, next to the park
24 hr emergency, outpatient medical facility. Appts: 8 AM – 8 PM, Walk-ins accepted.
Hospital, St. Thomas: 160 beds, decompression chamber, 24 hr emergency (340) 776-8311
Pharmacy-Chelsea Drugstore
(340) 778-4888, The Marketplace, Cruz Bay,
full-service pharmacy
Hurricane Guide
What You Need to Know
Passport and Visa Information
Are you REAL ID ready?
On May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.
Find out if you’re REAL ID ready with our interactive tool!
Scroll down to the map to check your state. If you live in the VI click here:
Click for New Passport Information
It is highly recommended for US Citizens to bring along their passport when traveling to the US Virgin Islands. Although not officially required to show one on the flight down you will be required on your return trip to provide evidence of citizenship by showing a passport, an enhanced driver’s license, birth certificate or voters registration card along with a picture ID.
Non-US citizens but permanent residents need a certificate of alien registration or green card on leaving the territory.
If you are planning to make a day trip to the British Virgin Islands definitely bring your passports. They will not let you in without it.
Citizens of other countries should carry whatever the US Travel regulations request. Where no visa is necessary to have your passport and the green I-94. If a visa is required then bring the white I-94 and your passport.
US Immigration and Naturalization Service office: (340) 774-4279
Information on Places of Worship
Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church
Jehovah’s Witness
5U 6 Pocket Money Lane
Cruz Bay VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S. 00830
Phone: (787) 502-5146
Bahai’s National Spiritual Assembly
(340) 776 6254
Bethany Moravian Church
(340) 776 6291
Christian Science Society of St. John
(340) 776 6273
Cruz Bay Baptist Church
(340) 776 6315
Cruz Bay Seventh Day Adventist
(340) 779 4477
Emmaus Moravian Church, Coral Bay
(340) 776 6713
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Mission
(340) 776 6339
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
(340) 693 8884
St. Ursula’s Anglican Church
(340) 693 8580
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
(340) 998-9269
United Methodist Church
(340) 693 8830
First Bank
Center of Cruz Bay
Monday – Friday
Closed weekends & holidays
(340)776 6881
Merchants Commercial Bank
Enighed · Cruz Bay, St John · (340) 779-2265
Information on Postal Services on St John VI
US Post Office
Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:00, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Connections Coral Bay
Connections St John East in Coral Bay
Postage & Mailing Services (340) 779-4994
Mon. – Fri.: 9:30 AM – 5:30 AM; Sat: 9:30 – 1:30
ST John Business Center
5000 Estate Enighed PMB 4a
St John, VI 00830